Partner’s project for the dispatching of heating units based on OOO "Vega-Absolute" equipment

Our partners, OOO “PLCSystems”, together with OOO “TIUS” have implemented comprehensive project for the dispatching of heating units, wireless automated metering of energy resources and monitoring of compressor units at the PAO “Biosynthesis” site using equipment manufactured by OOO “Vega-Absolute”. The clean focus of the project was not only on the quality of the work performed, but also on the speed of deployment of the entire dispatching and monitoring system before receiving the first data from the facilities, as well as the ability to scale the system without unnecessary complications.

Project results

1. Coverage by the LoRaWAN® network over the territory of the Biosynthesis plant, including the wells, was organized.

2. Wireless collection of data from all cold-water meters in industrial workshops, as well as inlet chambers in wells outside the territory of the enterprise, data transmission once an hour were organized. As a result, there is no need to traverse objects and manually collect data.

3. Wireless data collection from PSCH-3ART electricity meters was organized via RS-484 interface LoRaWAN® network, a proprietary algorithm for polling device data was implemented from scratch and full support for the meter protocol at the top level.

4. Wireless monitoring of compressor pressure in the workshops was organized, as well as an alarm system for pressure gauges exceeding the lower / upper limits, the firmware of the VEGA SI-11 modem was modified for this task to optimize the operating mode and generations of alarms.

5. A dispatching system for steam metering units was organized, data collection works via a wired Ethernet network into a single system based on Tibbo Aggregate.

6. Management of the LoRaWAN® network was organized as well as processing of incoming data, it’s visualization, storage of archives, analytics, and forecasts of resource consumption on a single server using the Tibbo Aggregate IoT platform and LANTANSoft LoRa Parsing proprietary software.

More on the partner's website.